Home News Strike Continues Says UniAbuja ASUU

Strike Continues Says UniAbuja ASUU


The University of Abuja (UniAbuja), Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU) has reiterated its resolve to continue the ongoing strike until all issues are satisfactorily addressed.

Dr. Sylvanus Ugoh, the branch Chairman of ASUU UniAbuja, reaffirmed the union’s stance during an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Monday in Abuja, emphasizing that members are resolute in their decision not to work until their demands are met.

Ugoh stated, “Those against the strike may possibly be beneficiaries of what the union is fighting against.

Any member found breaking the strike will be subjected to disciplinary procedure.”

Highlighting the extent of participation in the strike, Ugoh noted that between 90 to 95 percent of lecturers are currently on strike, underscoring the unity of purpose among ASUU members.

The indefinite strike, declared by UniAbuja’s ASUU branch on May 2, was initiated to draw attention to several critical issues within the university.

These issues include the University’s failure to conduct elections for the office of the Deans of Faculties and Provost, College of Health Sciences, as well as irregularities in staff promotions.

Furthermore, the union cited concerns over the advertisement for the vacancy of the post of Vice Chancellor without following due process, among other grievances.

Ugoh clarified that the union’s action does not involve locking the university but rather withdrawing the services of its members, rendering them unavailable for academic duties.

Responding to claims by the university management that many lecturers and students are ready to resume academic activities, Ugoh emphasized that the majority of ASUU members remain committed to the strike.

He acknowledged that despite the national strike, some individuals may still show interest in conducting lectures.

Contrary to the management’s stance, Dr. Habib Yakoob, the Acting Director of Information and University Relations, stated that the management was not formally informed of any ongoing strike.

However, he acknowledged the presence of students on campus, albeit with no academic activities observed in lecture halls during a visit by a NAN correspondent to the university’s permanent site.