Home News FG Convenes Meeting On National Minimum Wage Amid Strike Threats

FG Convenes Meeting On National Minimum Wage Amid Strike Threats


The Federal Government in a move to avert nationwide strike has urgently convened a meeting of the Tripartite Committee on the New National Minimum Wage (NNMW) today.

This decisive action aims to address Organised Labour’s demands and conclude negotiations on the national minimum wage by the impending deadline of May 31, 2024.

Organised Labour, represented by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC), issued a stark warning during the May Day celebrations at Eagle Square, Abuja.

They declared that failure to conclude the wage negotiations by month’s end could lead to severe disruptions in industrial peace across Nigeria.

The meeting, hosted at the Nicon Luxury Hotel in Abuja, was initiated by the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission (NSIWC), which serves as the secretariat for the NNMW.

The invitation, signed by Secretary and member of the Tripartite Committee, Ekpo Nta, shows the urgency of the situation.

Today’s agenda includes several critical presentations. The Federal Government and state representatives, along with the Organised Private Sector (OPS), will present their minimum wage proposals.

Organised labour has already positioned its demand, proposing a significant increase to a N615,000 wage.

Additionally, the NSIWC will present findings from the income survey of the informal sector conducted in 2023 and a comprehensive review of remuneration surveys of SMEs spanning the years 2013, 2017, and 2021, conducted by SMEDAN/NBS.

Discussions will extend to the final reports from sub-committees on various aspects of the new wage framework, including implementation, enforcement, and future review mechanisms.

If consensus is achieved, the session will also see the formation of subcommittees tasked with drafting the NMW Bill.

One of the labour leaders who is a member of the committee, told the platform, “The government is racing against time as organised labour will not shift the May ending deadline given to the government to conclude negotiations on the new NMW.

“We expect that full negotiation will commence in tomorrow’s (today) meeting because workers are really going through serious difficulties and hardship because of the anti-people policies of the government.

“We are on the same page with President Bola Tinubu on a living wage for Nigerian workers. We expect all members to help the President and ensure that his promise to give workers a living wage is realized.

“The President has on several occasions, promised a living wage which was restated by the vice president during the May Day celebration in Abuja. Living wage ensures that workers’ salary meets their basic needs. That is why we proposed the N615,000 minimum wage.

“From the breakdown of the N615,000, you could see that there are no frivolities or luxuries. There are no provisions for calls, entertainment, community levies, church dues, and extended family expenses.

“As you are aware, at the time we proposed, the increase in electricity tariff was not done. The increase has added more burden to the workers. Stories across the country show that workers are in dire need of help. They are suffering, they are hungry, and they are in pain because of the government’s policies.

“We have made it abundantly clear that if the discussions on the minimum wage are not concluded by the end of this month, we cannot guarantee national industrial peace and we mean everything about it.

“We are not playing with the deadline. The government knows that they are racing against time. The minimum wage is very dear to every worker in Nigeria, whether public or private.”

On his part, another member of the committee from the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Professor Theophilus Ndubuaku, who confirmed today’s meeting, told Vanguard that counter offers are expected at the meeting from the government and the private sector.

On the government’s offer, he said, “We understand that the government met but they are still keeping it to themselves, so it’s that tomorrow (today) that everything will be unveiled.

“We have given them something like an ultimatum that the thing must be completed this month (May). Even as it is now, I express some reservations unless we are meeting every day. But again, they can come up with something that might not cause much argument.

“After tomorrow (today), we will know the position of government. All the committees have met and have done their work. So we expect that this meeting will unveil their offer.

“The state governors are talking about N40,000, N60,000 and N70,000. But nobody will accept that. At the time we meet, they will tell us why they cannot pay for something tangible and from there the argument can now start.

“By the time they unveil their offer tomorrow (today), we may adjourn for another two days and come back. At the stage we are now, everything has been done, all committees have met and the reports of committees are ready.

“I think if they don’t want it to drag, it can be concluded before the end of May. Whatever we agree has to pass through the National Assembly for legislative action. The National Assembly will not be a problem, it is something they can handle very fast because someone is already drafting the bill.”

On May Day, the NLC and TUC had said, “The battle for a new national minimum wage rages on. Our demand of N615, 000 stands firm, rooted in the grim reality of workers’ lives across the nation.

“Through rigorous engagement with all stakeholders, we have pressed for a two-year lifespan for the new Act, with automatic adjustments triggered by inflation surpassing 7.5 per cent.

“Every employer with five employees and above must comply. We demand robust monitoring and strict penalties for non-compliant state governments.

“We have based our figures on real data gathered from your responses nationwide, ensuring that our demand reflects the true cost of living for an average family.

“Our message is clear: Anything less than a living wage condemns workers to poverty. We urge vigilance as we near the finishing line determined not to let other interests derail our pursuit of economic justice.

“Together, we will ensure that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s promise of a living wage becomes a reality for every worker in Nigeria.

“If, however, the negotiation of the national minimum wage is not concluded by the end of May, the trade union movement in Nigeria will no longer guarantee industrial peace in the country.”

NLC and TUC in a document sighted by Vanguard stated, “The national minimum wage is a tool that aims to ensure fair wages for workers and reduce income inequality. In contemporary economic discourse, the issue of the National Minimum Wage, NMW, occupies a central position, reflecting the ideological contestations between leftist and neoliberal perspectives.

“The NMW serves as a critical tool in addressing systemic inequalities inherent within capitalist societies. The fundamental principle underlying leftist ideology is the pursuit of social justice and equitable distribution of resources.

“In this context, the NMW is viewed as a mechanism to uplift the working class, reduce poverty, and mitigate income disparities. By ensuring a floor for wages, the NMW protects workers from exploitative practices of employers and guarantees a decent standard of living.

“Moreover, it enhances workers’ bargaining power, fostering a more equitable distribution of wealth and promoting social cohesion.”