Home News Air Peace, Others Plan United States Routes Flights

Air Peace, Others Plan United States Routes Flights


In a significant development for Nigeria’s aviation sector, local airlines, including Air Peace, are preparing to commence flights to the United States.

This follows the Federal Government’s recent permissions and its ongoing efforts to bolster the international reach of Nigerian carriers.

The Minister of Aviation, Festus Keyamo, has been at the forefront of these efforts, pledging to reduce the cost of international flights and support local operators in dominating international routes.

Speaking on the government’s initiatives, Keyamo emphasized that the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Tinubu’s administration aims to dismantle existing barriers and create a conducive environment for both local and international airlines.

A representative from the Airline Operators of Nigeria, speaking anonymously, confirmed to our correspondent that Air Peace has been granted rights to operate flights to the US.

“The airline that the government gave the right to fly to the US routes is Air Peace.

There are other airlines but Air Peace has just been recently offered that,” the representative said.

However, aviation analyst and member of the Aviation Round Table, Olumide Ohunayo, expressed scepticism about the readiness of Nigerian airlines to handle US routes.

“Sincerely, we are not ready.

I have not seen any of the airlines in Nigeria being capable of starting the US routes,” Ohunayo remarked.

He pointed out historical challenges and potential bilateral issues, stressing, “If our airlines must go, our aircraft must be owned by us.

I don’t think we are ready.”

Contrastingly, Osita Okonkwo, Chief Operating Officer of United Nigeria Airlines, asserted that his airline is prepared, though he acknowledged that obtaining slots and permits from US authorities remains a significant hurdle.

“We are ready, the fleet is not the issue.

The issue is the counterparty’s process of getting slots.

You can have the fleet and they can delay giving you slots,” Okonkwo explained.

He added, “We are designated to go to the US routes but we have to get slots first.

So we are doing the process.

Slot and permit are major issues.”

Meanwhile, George Uriesi, Chief Operating Officer of Ibom Air, stated that his airline has no plans to operate outside Africa.

“Africa is where we are interested in.

Those whose plan is to go outside Africa, that is for them and not for us,” Uriesi said.

Additionally, Obiora Okonkwo, Chairman of United Nigeria Airlines, indicated ongoing efforts to meet the necessary requirements.

“We are working on it from our own side.

As soon as the process that is required is over, we will be ready,” he noted, underscoring a commitment to achieving compliance.

Tunde Moshood, Special Assistant on Media and Communications to Keyamo, reiterated the government’s willingness to allocate more international routes to local operators.

“There are several BASA routes to be fixed for our local operators the moment they show capacity and consistency.

It’s for the local operators to show readiness and capacity, fixing them for any of the BASA routes is what the Minister has promised,” Moshood stated.