Home News 70k Minimum Wage Can’t Take Any Nigerian Family Home – Rep Chinda

70k Minimum Wage Can’t Take Any Nigerian Family Home – Rep Chinda


Leader of the opposition in the House of Representatives, Rep. Kingsley Chinda, has stated that a minimum wage is insufficient for Nigerian workers and emphasized the need for a living wage.

Chinda made this assertion during a chat with journalists in Abuja on Friday night.

Chinda expressed the opposition caucus’s stance, saying, “Well first, I would tell you that as a caucus we don’t believe in minimum wage.

Incidentally, you even asked of minimum wage.

What we have been calling for is a living wage for Nigerians and for Nigerian workers.”

He argued that a living wage is crucial for reducing corruption and boosting workers’ morale.

“Pay Nigerians a living wage, corruption will be reduced. Pay Nigerians a living wage, you will ignite the spirit to work for the nation.

But pay minimum wage, I don’t think it will solve the problem,” Chinda stated.

Chinda criticized the governors’ position on the issue, saying, “The position of governors that they are not going to pay more than N70,000 or so a month to Nigerians, it will not help this country, it will not solve our problem, let us be realistic.

Let us look at a living wage that is affordable by government and if the Executive arm is sincere, see it with Labour.

Talk to Nigerians, we will all see what is practicable.”

Highlighting the economic struggles faced by Nigerian families, Chinda noted, “Nigerians are angry because they feel that there is so much wastage.

I have even seen some publishing humongous figures as salaries of members of parliament and all that.

Those are things that will make any Nigerian angry.

And then when you talk about N70,000, how can you survive? I think our laws recognize that a Nigerian should have one or two wives minimum, one wife and four children.

You have one wife, you have four children. Will N70,000 take care of the welfare of four children, take care of your rent, transport and all that? How much is a bag of rice?”

Reiterating his call for a living wage, Chinda said, “Let’s talk about living wage. So as a caucus, we support living wage for Nigerians without compromise.

I can even tell you to take it to the bank, not just the minority caucus, the entire house, including the speaker.

Because I recall when the speaker of the HoR was in the Villa, his brief remark was that we require living wage for Nigerians.”

Chinda also urged Labour to follow legal procedures in their agitations, saying, “We solidly support Labour in that.

The only area we have also urged Labour is that in the cause of agitating for that, let us go by the rules.

Two wrongs cannot make a right.”