Home News June 12: Current Challenges Being Used To Impair Democracy —Tinubu

June 12: Current Challenges Being Used To Impair Democracy —Tinubu


In a nationwide broadcast today on Democracy Day, President Bola Tinubu expressed concerns over alleged attempts by certain individuals to exploit the country’s current economic challenges to undermine and destroy democracy.

He emphasized the importance of preserving democracy and protecting the rights, freedoms, and liberties of Nigerians.

Noting the sacrifices made to establish democratic governance 25 years ago, President Tinubu highlighted the significance of maintaining the right choice made towards democracy.

He admonished Nigerians to be vigilant against those who seek to exploit current challenges to undermine the established democracy.

Furthermore, the President reassured the nation of the Federal Government’s commitment to negotiating in good faith with organized labor on a new national minimum wage.

He pledged to promptly send an executive bill to the National Assembly to enshrine the agreed-upon terms as part of the law for the next five years or less.

President Tinubu also emphasized the need to recommit to the values of inclusivity, accountability, and transparency, urging all Nigerians to participate in building a nation where every voice is heard and every citizen is empowered to contribute to the collective good.

Additionally, leaders and groups convened to analyze Nigeria’s democratic journey since the June 12 episode and offered suggestions on the way forward.

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar remarked that democracy, while the best system of government, had yet to fully deliver on its promise of prosperity and liberty to Nigerians.

He urged all stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of the country’s democracy.

However, the upcoming nationwide protests to mark Democracy Day have prompted the Department of State Service (DSS) to issue a warning against any violent or disruptive actions.

The DSS expressed concerns about plans to incite violence and disrupt public order during the protests, emphasizing the importance of upholding public safety and national security during the demonstrations.