Home Politics Single Tenure, Rotational Presidency/Governorship: Nigerians Hail Lawmakers

Single Tenure, Rotational Presidency/Governorship: Nigerians Hail Lawmakers


Many Nigerians have expressed their support for proposed bills by 35 members of the House of Representatives advocating a single six-year term for the President and state governors.

Alongside the rotation of the presidency among the country’s six geopolitical zones and the rotation of governorship among the three senatorial districts within each state.

Ikenga Ugochinyere, a spokesperson for the lawmakers under the auspices of the Reformed-minded Legislators, stated that the proposal would reduce governance costs, promote national unity, and ensure seamless transitions and unprecedented development.

He emphasized that the bills if passed into law, would end agitations, redefine democracy, and bring peace and equity to Nigeria.

Rotational Presidency Will End Agitations — Mazi Ohuabunwa
Former Chairman of the National Economic Summit, Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa, praised the single six-year term proposal, saying it would eliminate the intense fight and desperation associated with second-term bids.

“This idea is fantastic. I think the proponents are the most patriotic Nigerian lawmakers I have ever seen or heard in recent times. They have just given solutions to Nigeria’s problems,” he said.

Ohuabunwa argued that a single-term presidency would stop incumbents from using government resources to secure re-election, which often destabilizes the country.

He added, “Rotation of the presidency will bring peace and equity. It will minimize friction because everybody will have to wait for their turn.”

Single-Term Will Reduce Corruption, Election Costs — Retired Judge Emiaso
Miakpor Emiaso, an ex-president of the Delta State Area Customary Court, also supported the bill, noting that the second tenure arrangement encourages massive corruption.

“A single-term system is good for this country, given our experiences with conducting elections for a second term,” he said.

Emiaso emphasized that a single-term arrangement would push leaders to perform their best within their six years, reducing corruption and the costs of elections.

Bills to Solve Diversity Management Issues — Adima
Political activist Blessing Adima commended the House of Representatives for the single-term proposal, noting it aligns with recommendations from the 2014 National Confab.

“When those who are elected know that they have one tenure, they cannot afford to fail because when they fail, they know that they will have a bad record,” he said.

Adima also highlighted the importance of rotational presidency in managing Nigeria’s diversity.

Mixed Reactions from Citizens

While many support the proposals, some citizens are skeptical. Ex-Ijaw Youth Council spokesman, Ebilade Ekerefe, believes a single six-year term will not address Nigeria’s core problems.

“What is important is the character, competence, and capacity of the individual occupying the office,” he said.

Similarly, Niger Delta Peace Coalition coordinator Zik Gbemre argued that adopting six years would not solve inflation or high exchange rates.

Why We’re Sponsoring the Bill — 35 Reps

A group of 35 lawmakers explained their motivation behind the bill, aiming to reduce government spending, promote efficiency in governance, and ensure national stability.

“We are a group of over 30 reform-minded lawmakers from different political parties who have come together and are committed to ensuring a working Nigeria using legislative instruments,” said Ikenga Ugochinyere.

He added that the proposed bills, totaling 50 in number, would address issues across all sectors of the economy, aiming to promote efficiency, reduce corruption, and ensure national stability.

The fate of the bill now depends on the government’s disposition. If the current administration supports the proposal, it is likely to pass smoothly.

The next steps involve further debates and possible amendments before a final decision is reached.