Home News Nigerians Struggle As High Drug Prices Fuel Health Crisis

Nigerians Struggle As High Drug Prices Fuel Health Crisis


The skyrocketing cost of life-saving drugs is a daily burden for patients across Nigeria, forcing many to risk their health by extending or missing doses, settling for less potent substitutes, resorting to self-medication or traditional healers, or stopping medication entirely.

For individuals battling chronic ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or cancer, the affordability crisis has pushed essential medications and treatments out of reach, straining the public healthcare system.

Experts are concerned that a significant number of patients not taking their medications as prescribed could develop complications, leading to even more expensive interventions later.

Patients who spoke lamented the negative effects of rising drug costs on their well-being, financial situation, and survival. Ngozi Uchenna, a petty trader, expressed her concern about her 10-year-old daughter’s persistent cough.

At the neighborhood health center in Ikeja, Lagos, she was visibly distressed by the high cost of the prescribed cough mixture. “I cannot afford the drugs, so I’m taking my child back home,” she stated.

James Akor, who has been dealing with sporadic coughs and chest pains, said he resorted to taking herbal mixtures because hospital treatment bills were outrageous.

“One of the drugs the doctor said I should buy costs N120,000, and I will need to buy it two or three times every month. Another drug is about N55,000. Where will I get the money? I don’t have it,’’ he lamented.

Dayo A., diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2023, has not purchased any of the drugs prescribed for him.

He shared his plight: “The cancer was detected mid-stage, and I am only on palliative treatment. One of the drugs prescribed for me was Lupron Depot.

The doctor said I should take it once every six months, but it costs N1,200,000. I am self-employed and not on health insurance, so I could not afford it.

sonI was placed on another drug, Zoladex, but one vial costs about N750,000, which was also unaffordable for me.”

For Olu F., a father of three and civil servant with a heart condition, paying hospital bills is a nightmare.

He noted, “I’m on a basic health insurance plan, but it does not cover the full cost of treatment for my condition, so I’m paying out of pocket. I’m usually sacrificing one for the other.

It is either I buy my drugs and not pay for another need, or I skip my medication. Either way, it’s not in my favor.”

Kate B., a diabetic, faces a similar struggle. Like many older adults, she is particularly impacted by the rising costs of diabetes drugs, often rationing her medication to make it last. She is forced to choose between buying medicine and putting food on the table.

A market survey in Lagos revealed that prices of common medications, such as painkillers, antibiotics, anti-hypertensives, and anti-diabetics, have been steadily increasing since the beginning of the year. The hardest hit are prescription drugs, some of which run into millions of naira.

At pharmacies, factors driving price increases include naira devaluation, price adjustments by drug manufacturers, government regulations, taxes, and the availability and demand for specific medications.

Towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 and Universal Health Coverage, the Federal Government assented to the 2014 National Health Bill to provide increased access to basic healthcare for the vulnerable population.

However, many Nigerians still pay out of pocket for medical expenses, pushing more families into experiencing burgeoning health expenditures.

With hospital care gradually becoming financially out of reach, Nigerians are turning to cheaper but largely untested options such as home remedies and herbal medicines.

However, experts are worried about this development.

Dr. Femi Akintunde, a general practitioner at a General Hospital in Lagos, cautioned, “When treatment costs become too high, people are forced to seek affordable and untested alternatives. Although traditional medicine practices and herbal treatments are widely used in Nigeria, their effectiveness can be unpredictable.”

Further, he said, “While going to the pharmacy is okay for consultations for minor ailments and over-the-counter medications, relying on them for serious conditions can be risky due to limitations in diagnosis.

Though public clinics offer affordable care, they may face resource limitations and longer wait times. The bottom line is that the inability to access proper diagnosis and treatment from qualified professionals can worsen health outcomes.”

Dr. Bola Akinlolu, a consultant medical practitioner, identified three major roadblocks to receiving good healthcare in Nigeria today: exorbitant costs for medications and treatment, long distances to reach medical facilities, and sometimes dismissive attitudes from healthcare providers.

He emphasized that high cost remained the most critical hurdle, saying, “Even if the patient succeeds in getting to the healthcare facility and there are health workers to attend to them, there is little that can be done if such patient is not covered by health insurance and cannot pay the treatment bill out of pocket or cannot afford to buy the required drugs.”

Titilola Lawal, a registered nurse and midwife at a Lagos government hospital, blamed skyrocketing medication prices as a key reason patients struggle to stick with their treatment plans.

While acknowledging that side effects could also make treatment compliance difficult, she argued that cost was the biggest hurdle.

“Medications in general are expensive, but some prescriptions, especially ‘orphan drugs’ for chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, can cost millions of naira,” she said.

Lawal explained that even with health insurance, the cost of these drugs could be overwhelming, leading patients to skip doses or ration their medication. She added that some patients might even start treatment but abandon it halfway when the costs become unbearable.

Tolu Adetola, a pharmacist, warned that delays in seeking medical attention could be dangerous.

“When people delay seeking medical attention, their condition can worsen and become more difficult to treat. This can lead to complications, increased healthcare costs, and even death.

Worse still, if people with infectious diseases don’t seek medical attention, they can unknowingly spread the illness to others. This can be a particular risk for vulnerable populations.”

Adetola stressed that the rising costs of medical treatments and drug prices, exacerbated by the weakening value of the naira against foreign currencies, are negatively impacting families.

“Many households struggle to manage their healthcare expenses, which in turn affect their allocation of funds for necessities such as food and transportation.

The general lack of reliable health insurance coverage by a significant number of Nigerians further complicates the situation. Even where insurance is available, insurance companies are grappling with higher costs due to expensive medications.”

Launched in 2005, Nigeria’s National Health Insurance Scheme, NHIS, aimed to make healthcare affordable and accessible. However, many Nigerians still face out-of-pocket medical expenses, risking financial hardship due to high costs.

“What most Nigerians are facing today as a result of the economic downturn is catastrophic health expenditure.

This is healthcare payment beyond a certain fraction that incurs negative economic consequences, ranging from sacrifice of basic goods and services, depletion of savings by individuals and families, to loss of income, and productivity, as well as disruption of welfare and living standards.

Narrowing the economic status gap across households and increasing the depth of insurance are crucial mechanisms to reduce the probability of incurring catastrophic health expenditures in Nigeria,” he stressed.