Home News ‘See New Development About Tapswap Allocation Date’

‘See New Development About Tapswap Allocation Date’


In a surprising turn of events, the popular tap-2-earn app, Tapswap, powered by TON Blockchain, has indefinitely postponed its token allocation to users.

The announcement was made by John Robbin, Head of Communications at Tapswap, during an X space discussion on Wednesday.

The app, which has garnered a massive following among Nigerians, requires users to repeatedly tap an icon on the Telegram Tapswap bot screen to mine coins.

Delayed Token Launch

Since its launch on February 15, 2024, Tapswap has attracted over 50 million users, all eagerly tapping their phone screens in hopes of financial earnings.

However, the method for allocating tokens remains undecided. “The token launch was postponed until July 1.

The new date will be communicated,” Robbin stated.

He emphasized the importance of a fair token distribution process, saying, “We will allocate a significant part of the tokens to the community to retain the tappers.

We want you all to be part of the Tapswap community.”

Robbin highlighted the necessity of a win-win situation for the token airdrop and mentioned ongoing communications with various exchanges and platforms.

He assured users that efforts are being made to ensure the best outcome for all involved.

Addressing Abuse and Ensuring Fair Play

The app’s communication head also addressed concerns about users exploiting the system.

“Those using the mechanism to farm taps and abuse the game will be banned,” Robbin warned, adding that checks are being implemented with the help of community members to maintain fairness.

He urged genuine tappers to remain patient during this period of adjustment.

How Tapping Works

Explaining the mining process, Robbin said, “Just open the app and tap on it; that will give you shares. The more you tap and the more upgrades you do, the more shares you will have when we finalize the tokens.”

He stressed that increased tapping would result in more tokens once the allocation is finalized.

Booster Option and Future Plans

Robbin also discussed the recently ended booster option, a paid feature introduced to accommodate the influx of new users.

“We introduced the limited x2 donation because the new influx of users kept coming in, and we needed them to make something out of it and get a fair allocation at TGE,” he explained.

The funds from this feature are being reinvested to enhance the app, ensuring its longevity.

“It is all going to our 25 staffers working around the clock to sustain the app. We want to be here for a very long time,” Robbin stated.

He encouraged users to continue tapping, as there is still ample opportunity to accumulate tokens.

Nationwide Obsession

Tapswap’s popularity has surged in Nigeria, with people from all walks of life obsessively tapping their phones.

Viral clips have captured the phenomenon, including a Keke driver tapping with one hand while steering his vehicle and transporting passengers.

Another video showed traders in Northern Nigeria vigorously tapping their screens, reflecting the widespread engagement with the app.

As Tapswap navigates the complexities of token allocation, users are advised to remain patient and continue participating in the tap-2-earn activities.

The team’s commitment to fairness and transparency aims to ensure that the final distribution of tokens will be beneficial for the entire Tapswap community.