Home Entertainment New Guinness World Record From A Nigerian – Longest Crocheting Marathon

New Guinness World Record From A Nigerian – Longest Crocheting Marathon


Chidinma Modupe Okafor, a talented Nigerian lady, has been officially certified by the Guinness World Records (GWR) as the new record holder for the longest crocheting marathon.

Chidinma achieved this remarkable feat by crocheting continuously for 72 hours, surpassing the previous record of 34 hours and 7 minutes set by Alessandra Hayden of the United States in 2021.

The British reference book confirmed that Chidinma crocheted a white dinner gown throughout the marathon. To secure the record, she had to crochet without any significant breaks, showcasing her incredible dedication and stamina.

As soon as she finished one ball of yarn, she immediately began working on the next, demonstrating relentless effort. Speaking about her achievement, Chidinma expressed her desire to highlight the skill and endurance required in the art of crocheting.

“I aim to showcase the artistry and perseverance involved in this craft and promote awareness about crocheting and its benefits,” she said.

Chidinma also shared insights into her rigorous preparation for the marathon attempt, which included extensive training and mental conditioning.

“My preparation for the record attempt involved rigorous training and mental conditioning. It also required physical endurance and strategizing to maintain a consistent pace while minimizing fatigue,” she explained.

“Additionally, logistics such as arranging for sufficient yarn with support staff were crucial for the uninterrupted progress of the attempt.”

Chidinma’s accomplishment adds her name to the growing list of Nigerians who have set world records.

Notable among them are Hilda’s famous cook-a-thon, Helen Williams (longest wig and widest wig), Ewa Cole (longest marathon singing Christmas songs), Clara Chizoba Kronborg (longest interviewing marathon), and Tonye Solomon (most steps climbed on a ladder while balancing a football on the head).

Chidinma’s record-breaking crocheting marathon is a testament to the creativity, determination, and resilience of Nigerian artisans, shining a light on the often underappreciated art of crocheting.