Home News Federal Government Approves E-Verification For Military Pensioners

Federal Government Approves E-Verification For Military Pensioners


The Federal Government has approved an electronic verification system for military pensioners in a move aimed at ensuring sanity in pension administration.

This was disclosed by the Chairman of the Military Pensions Board (MPB), AVM Paul Irumheson, during a press briefing on the commencement of the nationwide electronic verification exercise on Friday.

Irumheson highlighted that the initiative was designed to sanitize military pension administration and eliminate issues of impersonation.

The board adopted the electronic verification system to mitigate the risks associated with traveling, particularly given the advanced age of many pensioners and the high cost of transportation.

“You may recall that on Feb. 15, I briefed this honourable press about the board’s intention or plan to move from physical verification to electronic verification for our military retirees.

The reasons, amongst others, include the security risk of traveling from one place to the other, old age of some of our pensioners, and high cost of transportation, particularly for those staying abroad,” he stated.

The chairman noted that a successful pilot test of the system was conducted from Feb. 15 to March 1, with only 15 out of 2,000 pensioners failing the process. These initial observations were used to refine the system further.