Home News Prank Gone Wrong – UNIZIK Graduate Lost Her Life

Prank Gone Wrong – UNIZIK Graduate Lost Her Life


In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Miss Ifunanya Miracle, a Quantity Surveying graduate from Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK), lost her life under tragic circumstances shortly after completing her academic program.

The incident, which occurred last week, has cast a pall over her family and colleagues who describe her as a beacon of hope for her family.

Ifunanya, who balanced her studies with a small point of sale (POS) business to meet her financial needs, tragically died after jumping out of a moving tricycle (Keke) in fear during what was later revealed to be an ill-conceived joke by a fellow student.

Incident Details

Chief Safety Officer of UNIZIK, Chief Ken Chukwurah, provided clarity on the incident, debunking initial speculations of a robbery. “All the parties concerned are students,” Chukwurah stated.

“The two ladies went together and were already doing their clearance preparatory for their graduation.

The boy, also a student, played a prank on the girls and this incident happened at 8.20 pm on that fateful day.

The boy, who was sitting with them in the Keke, cracked a joke with them in the tricycle by saying ‘what if I collect your phones as you are moving about at this late hour?’”

Reacting out of fear, Ifunanya and her friend jumped out of the tricycle. Unfortunately, Ifunanya hit her head on the tarred road, sustaining severe injuries that led to her demise despite medical efforts.

Immediate Response and Aftermath

Chukwurah emphasized that the boy responsible for the prank stayed with the victims and assisted in taking them to the University Medical Center and later to Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, Amaku, where Ifunanya ultimately succumbed to her injuries.

“The boy was sorry about what happened because he didn’t run away when the incident happened and he participated in running around all through the night,” Chukwurah noted.

“The following day, he reported himself to the police at B Division on his father’s advice.”

In a rare display of magnanimity, the family of the deceased opted not to pursue legal action, instead requesting the boy’s family cover the funeral expenses.

“The relations of the deceased girl said they did not want to pursue the matter and that all they wanted was for the family of the boy to shoulder the expenses of their daughter’s burial,” Chukwurah said.

The expenses, including a family ritual costing N61,000 and the burial costs amounting to N450,000, were agreed upon.

The boy’s family, in a gesture of goodwill, promised to add an additional N500,000 to cover all expenses.

As a result, a total of N950,000 plus the ritual costs were settled to bring closure to the case.

Reflections and Tributes

Chioma, a student of Architecture at UNIZIK and a close friend of Ifunanya, expressed her sorrow and disbelief.

“We were all looking forward to entering the world after the hardship of studying under a harsh economy.

It was to make ends meet that made Ifunanya start the POS business and she was doing well.

I believe it was destined that she would die on that fateful day, otherwise what was the need to jump out of Keke when the supposed robber had not taken your phone?”

The body of Ifunanya Miracle remains in the mortuary in Awka, awaiting transport to Abia State once the police case is officially closed.

Her death is a profound loss to her family and the UNIZIK community, who saw in her a bright future and a symbol of hope.

Chief Chukwurah concluded by expressing relief that the matter had been resolved amicably. “Our happiness is that nobody is making any case about this matter,” he said.